21st Century Waterfront

Polis Studio teamed with Hargreaves and Associates for the development of the 21st Century Waterfront Plan. We were responsible for the architectural interventions within the park, primarily focused around the green and the public promenade. The project included three primary programmatic design investigations: the structure of the pier itself, small public pavilions, and a series of light masts that flow from the interior of the park outward onto the pier. All three elements were conceived as a unified series to produce a seamless design that creates a sophisticated public promenade. Construction documents were prepared and put out for a public bid. Ultimately, James Carpenter Design Associates won a national public art competition for the pier design that proposed a series of eleven 40-foot tall stainless steel light masts that illuminate the pedestrian way. The masts, now in place, create an illuminated, atmospheric and subtle prism effect at night as well as during the day.

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